Le projet EQUIPEX GEOSUD, sélectionné dans le cadre de l'appel à projets «Equipements d'Excellence »
du Programme Investissements d'Avenir (2011) 

vise à développer une infrastructure nationale de données satellitaires accessible gratuitement par la communauté scientifique et les acteurs publics. Il permet notamment d'assurer pendant 5 années l'acquisition et la mise à disposition de couvertures satellitaires annuelles d'été, haute résolution de la France, et d'assurer la mise en réseau de la communauté scientifique et de la communauté des acteurs de la gestion autour de sa valorisation. 


                                      Image Spot 6 du 20 septembre 2015,  Le Havre (Haute-Normandie)
                                             Contient des informations ©  2015, Distribution Airbus Defense & GEOSUD, France, tous droits réservés. Usage commercial interdit.



ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015, from 28 September to 3 October 2015 in La Grande Motte


Théia et GEOSUD tiendront un workshop sur

Remote Sensing Data Infrastructures
for land application services


1st October 2015, La Grande Motte, France

RSDI International Network is a specialized Workshop in the frame of the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015. Dedicated to Remote Sensing Data Infrastructures (RSDI) for land application services, it will bring the opportunity to research scientists and practitioners to share their experience in development and application of RSDI to promote the use of remote sensing among scientists and actors involved in land public policies.

RSDI International Network is one of the numerous events that will take place during the ISPRS Geospatial Week. Information on other events can be found on the Geospatial Week website.

Supported by


Organized by

THEIA Land Data Center and GEOSUD project

The THEIA Land Data Centre (http://www.theia-land.fr/en) which includes the GEOSUD project (http://www.equipex-geosud.fr) is a French national RSDI (Remote Sensing Data Infrastructures) initiative aiming at facilitating access to a broad range of satellite imagery and derived services for the scientific community and for all French public actors involved in land public policies.

The coordinators of these initiatives have decided to launch an international initiative, the RSDI International Network, in order to share experiences with other countries which carry out similar RSDI projects. 

Latest news

Online registration is now open! (http://www.isprs-geospatialweek2015.org/registration.html). You can create your account from now on and complete your registration application as and when appropriate.

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